Camp Wildcat Branding System



Develop a unified branding system for “camp wildcat”, a program for prospective freshmen at California State University, Chico.




Choosing which general education pathways to take is a important decision that sets a foundation for student’s major and the path for his or her future. To encourage prospective students to vividly envision what that journey could look like at CSU Chico, The Student Life and Leadership office developed the “Camp Wildcat” program.  Since the campus mascot is a wildcat, I used a cat’s paw to link the system to the overall campus branding system. I replaced the normally heart-shaped palmer pad of a cat’s paw with icons representing the eight different areas of interest within general education pathways (civic, healthy, global, creative, equality, science, and green). Campus Student Life and Leadership wanted to help prospective students picture themselves as members of the CSU Chico community and to match their interests to an area of study. The challenge was to help students clearly understand the eight different paths within the broader wildcat.



Since the project was to create a family of logos, initial concept development sketches became enormous.


Second Draft

Numbers of iterations were gone through in order to design the rest of the 5 different logos within the same system.



These are the finalized and refined Camp Wildcat logos. The main Camp Wildcat logo represents a shape of mountain. The Equality Cat has a human figure, representing equality among all men. The Creative Cat is symbolized by a light bulb, a symbol of creating ideas. The Civic Cat forms a bell as well as the top part of a political building. The Global Cat represents a pin on a navigation application that contains a planet: the earth. The Healthy Cat simply shows a warm heart. The Green Cat is clearly visualized with a tree pointing upward, signaling the promotion of sustainability. Lastly, the Science Cat has the shape of a lab beaker.


Brand Application

California State University, Chico has a General Education planning sheet for new coming freshmen and transfer students. It was quite difficult to use. Although it contains many overlapping courses that can be counted towards various GE pathways, there is almost visual representation that shows those relationships. As a part of new program establishment, I proposed a new way that students can plan their GE pathways and integrates the Camp Wildcat program better.


Sketches and Planning

Started by analyzing relationships between various general education courses using the current planning sheet. Then, began simplifying the planning sheet assigning lines and different typographic rules to show the connections.

First Draft

The first version was simply a modified version of the original planning sheet. It was not quite helpful for readers in terms of understanding the relationships between pathways, general education classes, and the Camp Wildcat program.



Began concentrating on visualizing the relational structure of the whole general education courses and the Camp Wildcat program. Currently, the process is in a static mockup zone; however, hoping to make it an interactive general education planer on the university website.
